Steven Jens Has No Life
This is just a collection of some of my thoughts as they come to me -- sometimes even sooner.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004  

Mi hermano estaba in town over the weekend; a student of his, from his days as a TA, was running in our humble local footrace. She seems to have done it in a bit over four hours, which is pretty good considering that it was 84 degrees. I was exhausted when I got home yesterday, presumably from watching the race.

I have two tests tonight. I don't really care much about the second one, but I'm a little stressed about the first. There's some stuff I know, and nothing I completely don't know, but there's quite a bit that I only sort of know. I think I've identified which paper is most likely to do me good, so now I'm off to read that.

posted by Steven | 4:27 PM |