Steven Jens Has No Life
This is just a collection of some of my thoughts as they come to me -- sometimes even sooner.

Sunday, May 16, 2004  

I have been awarded an MS in Investment Management.  You may now call me Master.

With honors, as it turns out.  And with an attractive CD wallet, which they handed out after the ceremony.  I hadn't expected either.  Though I hadn't really thought about either, anyway.  I get to keep the cap and gown, so I'm pushing off laundry by an extra day.

The speeches were less boring but more numerous than I had feared.  Several of them had points, though I don't think any of them had points that you haven't heard if you've ever been to a graduation ceremony.

In other news, my cell phone no longer receives incoming calls.  I've been unable to receive voice mail on that line for several weeks.  I should probably get a new phone.  I know what you're thinking -- "isn't it a good thing that people can't call you?" -- but most of the calls I get on my cell phone are actually worth answering.

I saw "Rear Window" the other night.  A few weeks ago, I saw "Road to Perdition", which is probably the darkest Hope and Crosby movie to date.

Why, yes, I am out of things to say.

posted by Steven | 10:56 PM |